Qualcomm Snapdragon Conquest Mobile Esports Tournament launched in India with Rs. 50 lakh prize money
Qualcomm Snapdragon Conquest Mobile Esports Tournament launched in India with Rs. 50 lakh prize money
Qualcomm Technologies has launched Snapdragon Conquest, its first-ever mobile Esports program in India. Through this tournament the company will be delivering superior gaming experiences directly to gamers and is expected to encompass multiple events throughout the year, enabling competitive gaming across multiple game titles and is designed to engage mobile gamers across all segments and levels of proficiency.
The tournament kicks off with Snapdragon Conquest: Free fire Open 2020, with a prize pool of Rs. 50 lakh and here is no entry/registration fee charged for participating in the tournament.
The official game title for this season is Garena ‘Free Fire’ — a skill-based battle royale game where four player teams battle against each other strategically utilizing in-game resources to win. Live Broadcasts and Player Livestreams will provide aspiring gamers the opportunity to learn and increase their own proficiency.
It will reveal more details about the tournament on @Qualcomm_in on Twitter.
Rajen Vagadia, Vice President, Qualcomm India Private Limited and President, Qualcomm India & SAARC, said:
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